#LIFEONAIR: Drew Fiorentine's E350 4matic

Drew Fiorentine‘s unique E350 4matic shows exactly what is possible with a little ingenuity and, of course, Air Lift Performance universal build parts.

The E350 4matic is certainly a road less traveled when we’re talking about stance perfection, but Drew chose to break the mold with this Mercedes build.

Realizing that the Chrysler 300C shares the front suspension design with the E350, Drew bolted Air Lift Performance’s Chrysler 300C struts straight on with no problems. “That was the easy part,” said Drew. In the rear, he had to get a little creative.
“The rear setup uses Air Lift Performance’s Universal Dominator 2500 series bags with custom brackets, with Air Lift Performance’s 3P air management system. It’s all linked by a custom hard line setup. People said it was impossible, but here it is! I know I am one of very few people to successfully bag a 4matic model,” Drew said.

Check out Drew’s build on Instagram, @superdrewco. We can’t wait to see more updates!
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