The battle wages on: Static vs Bagged

Great debate’s have been waged since the beginning of time. Coke or Pepsi? Boxers or Briefs? Domestic or Import? Pluto; planet or star? You get the picture…
However when it comes to the world of custom cars, there has probably not been a hotter debate on how to lower your ride. Static or air suspension?

Recently our friends over at Stanceworks finally stared the pink elephant in the room right in the eyes and put out the subject of static vs air on their public forum for discussion.
I know what you are thinking, “I am reading about this from the Air Lift Performance website, so this discussion is going to be one sided.” This is completely not the case, the guys at Stanceworks did an amazing job of pointing out pros and cons of each suspension, leaving it up to you to decide which is best for your ride.
So take a stand when it comes to your suspension, click on the link and voice your opinion Static versus Bagged

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